
Showing posts with the label acne-treatment

Types Of Acne Scars - Can Acne Scars Be Removed?

Aloe Vera works like magic in acne prone skin, applying tomato juice, pomegranate paste with fresh lime juice, neem paste and above all drinking lots of water will reduce the occurrence of acne. The leaves of lavender, red clover, and strawberry plants can be used as a steam sauna for the face. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne treatment. Scars remind you of the pain you went through when you were battling the pimples. It is best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best course of action when it comes to ridding yourself of unsightly acne scars The first and most important step is to control the skin infection. Avoid using more than one treatment unless advised by a doctor. Multiple treatments may only cause drug interaction side effects You can apply cucumber drink to your acne face too. Make a paste of baking soda with water and apply to your face. Attempt to provide ones own physique along with meals th